LipoTransfer can be effective for correcting facial asymmetries. If you feel like your face doesn’t look the way it should, then you might be a good candidate for a LipoTransfer procedure. This treatment uses fat grafting to correct asymmetries.
This procedure is commonly used to add volume to the lips and face. However, it can be effective for any facial feature that is lacking fullness and definition.
What Is The LipoTransfer Procedure?
The procedure uses fat grafting to add fullness. During the procedure, fat is removed from one part of the body and injected into another. The fat can be extracted from almost any area, but it’s commonly removed from the thighs.
Once the living fat has been extracted, it must be processed. After it has been refined, the fat is reinjected into the face.
What Can Be Treated With LipoTransfer?
The LipoTransfer technique can be effective for a variety of issues, but it’s commonly used to correct volume loss. Over time, the natural aging process will cause your face to lose volume. The loss of bone and tissue can cause an undesirable change in appearance.
The aging process can cause thinner cheekbones and widened eye sockets. Radiology scans show that aging causes the atrophy of deep tissues and reduces collagen turnover.
This procedure can also be very effective for genetic facial volume loss. Some people experience volume loss in their 20s and 30s, which is not desirable.
Another issue that patients face is facial asymmetry. During the LipoTransfer procedure, the transferring of fat can be used to correct any asymmetries in the facial structure. In fact, it can be effective for correcting the issues caused by native asymmetry, trauma or prior surgery.
Why Is Fat Used?
When deciding if they should choose the LipoTransfer procedure, a lot of people want to know why fat is used. The reason why the procedure uses fat is because it’s the best option available. The LipoTransfer technique replaces lost fat with new fat.
Since the material is natural and comes from your own body, there is no risk of rejection. The transferred fat is a living tissue graft, so it’s able to obtain its own blood supply after the transfer.
What is the Recovery Process Like?
Many patients choose the LipoTransfer procedure because it offers permanent results. The recovery process shouldn’t take longer than five to seven days. Depending on your line of work, you might be able to return to work sooner.
If you have facial asymmetries and would like to do something about them, you might be a great candidate for LipoTransfer. If live in the Santa Monica, California or New York, New York area and are interested in receiving this exciting treatment, contact Grossman Dermatology today! We look forward to hearing from you!