Over 350,000 traditional liposuction procedures are carried out every year, but this popular cosmetic surgery does have a few disadvantages. In addition to swelling and tenderness, many patients will need weeks or longer to recover from their treatment. SmartLipo™ is a revolutionary new procedure that provides patients with amazing, long-term results in just a fraction of the time of traditional liposuction.

The Ideal Liposuction Candidate

Liposuction is an incredibly safe and effective procedure when it is carried out by an experienced surgeon, but this particular surgery is not right for everyone. Patients must be in relatively good health before undergoing liposuction and free of any medical conditions that could affect the healing process. Most specialists also suggest that patients should be within 30 percent of their ideal weight before having liposuction carried out. Not only does this improve their chances of long-term success, but less soft tissue will need to be removed.

Laser-Assisted Liposuction

There are a few key differences between traditional liposuction and SmartLipo™. Instead of only inserting a cannula to remove the fat, a thin laser fiber is first inserted in order to break down and emulsify the fat. Because the fat is broken down, a much smaller cannula can be used. This means that your risk of scarring is significantly reduced. The laser will also immediately coagulate the blood and treat the blood vessels. In the end, this results in a quicker procedure with a much shorter recovery time.

How Do I Prepare for SmartLipo™?

Even though SmartLipo™ is an advanced procedure, there are some steps patients can take to reduce their risk of any complications. During your consultation, our surgeon can give you a full list of substances that must be avoided in the days and weeks leading up to the procedure. This includes any medication that will affect your blood’s ability to clot and any chemicals that might adversely interact with the anesthetics.

Your Lipo Procedure

Another benefit of SmartLipo™ is the fact that most patients need nothing more than a local anesthetic to numb the treatment area. Once the area is numb, our surgeon can begin heating the soft tissue with the laser. The excess fat is then removed.

After the surgery, compression garments will need to be worn. With the proper aftercare and rest, most patients can return to their regular daily activities in two to seven days.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

With locations in Santa Monica and New York City, Grossman Dermatology proudly offers innovative SmartLipo™ treatments as a safe, quick and effective way to remove unwanted fat. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about this amazing procedure. Contact us today to schedule your consultation to learn more about SmartLipo™ and how it can benefit you.

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