Tighter, firmer skin can restore your appearance to something similar to what it was during your younger years before the skin began to loosen. If you are not satisfied when you compare a recent picture of yourself with one that was taken a few years ago, you might want to check into the benefits of Thermage ®. This innovative treatment may be your way of achieving a younger look without having to endure procedures that require downtime for recovery.
As you age, your skin will become loose because of a drop in the level of collagen production. Collagen is a protein that is produced in the lower layers of the skin for the purposes of keeping it tight and firm. The passage of time and environmental factors like sun exposure can decrease the level at which your skin grows collagen. Because it then diminishes faster than the body can replace it, you begin to see signs of loose skin. These signs can include things like the presence of crow’s feet around the eyes, those fine lines that begin at the edges of the eyes and move outwardly. You may also notice that wrinkles are starting to form around your mouth. They frequently form across the forehead as well. It addition to the wrinkles, the skin will begin to sag. This is most noticeable around the jowls and eyelids.
The key to achieving a tighter, firmer skin in a non-surgical way is to stimulate the growth of collagen and return it to former levels. Thermage® treatments are an excellent way to accomplish this. Thermage® uses radiofrequency energy to bring about positive results.
During Thermage® therapy, a unit is passed across the surface of the skin above the areas in which the lines and wrinkles are located. The radiofrequency energy emitted by the equipment will gently warm the tissue and stimulate the production of collagen. Therefore, the treatment targets loose skin at its source.
After you receive your Thermage® treatment, you can expect the collagen to begin growing. It will continue to do so over the course of the next six months or so until it reaches peak levels. During this time, you skin will gradually become tighter and firmer.
Thermage® is gentler than other treatments that are designed to produce collagen. It is a more attractive option than a surgical procedure like a facelift for those who do not want or cannot undergo surgery. It can be done right here in the comfort of our office setting. After the therapy, you can plan on returning to your normal routine immediately. There is no need to take time away from work.
Some treatments can only be done on people with certain skin tones. Thermage®, however, provides the advantage of being useful on virtually any skin type.
If you want tighter, firmer skin, ask our provider at Grossman Dermatology for more details about this innovative treatment method. Contact us at either of our offices in Santa Monica, CA or New York, NY to book your first appointment and learn more about the benefits of Thermage®.