
Subcision literally cuts off the root of cellulite. This minimally invasive procedure uses a blunt-tipped cannula underneath the skin to sever the fibrous bands that create the appearance of cellulite and smooth the skin.

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Morpheus8 for Body

Morpheus8™ Body brings the incredible technology of radiofrequency microneedling to larger areas such as the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. This treatment is excellent for addressing cellulite, stretch marks, loose skin, and uneven texture. 

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Evolve + Forma

EVOLVE is a non-invasive, hands-free body contouring/skin tightening/muscle toning technology that works using a variety of applicator pads, and Forma effectively treats facial wrinkles and other skin concerns by kick-starting new collagen.

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Hyperdilute Fillers

When injectable calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) dermal fillers such as Radiesse® are diluted with saline and lidocaine and then injected at shallow depths into the skin, something amazing happens. 

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With clinically proven results, Cellulaze™ is a minimally invasive treatment that effectively treats cellulite at the structural level beneath the surface of the skin, liquifying fat and breaking up the fibrous bands that yank on the skin, causing the dimpled appearance.

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